Saturday, January 31, 2009

Parenting Books

I picked up Bringing Up Geeks: How to Protect Your Kid's Childhood in a Grow-Up-Too-Fast Worldby Marybeth Hicks up at the library on a whim. As the parent of a four year old, I'm interested in ideas to do a better job as a parent. I suspect that most parents don't want their kids growing up too fast, don't want them chasing the latest fad, don't want them trying oral sex when they are twelve -- at least not their daughters. If the goal of this book is to convince you of these ideas, it is successful. However, the author fails to deal with the challenges of parenting honestly. With four children, surely she has faced some challenges. By and large, she does not share them. Instead, the anecdotes in this book are of how perfect her children are. When it is necessary to tell an unpleasant anecdote, it is usually a friend or a letter from a reader. So if you want to read 304 pages about how perfect Marybeth Hicks and her kids are, have at it. Take that ride in her minivan. If you want an open, honest, solution-based discussion of how to raise your child, look elsewhere.   

A somewhat-related book that I though was much better is Richard Louv's Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder-- It is less preachy and more based on research in addition to just anecdotes.

Friday, January 30, 2009

New Music Night

Good new stuff from Franz Ferdinand's new album Tonight.  Not terribly groundbreaking, but they have a good formula of catchy, danceable music.  I imagine that someday the formula will wear thin.  That happened with Barenaked Ladies and Cake for me.  But for now, I'm tappin' my toes to Franz one more time.  

Friday, January 23, 2009

Comcast Speak

I'm going to see if I can spend an entire day speaking to others like a Comcast Customer Service Representative.   I've been on the phone or doing an online chat with several of them this evening, and they all have the same sort of non-responsive, passive voiced, overly appeasing way about them.    It will take some practice.  I may sign up to work for them in the center just to learn how it is done.

In any case, I think what they are saying is that I can't report an outage because they have an incorrect spelling of my last name on the account.  That will take them 24-48 hours to fix.  I think.  It has literally (no exaggeration) taken 6 hours to get that much out of them.   

So I'm damn close to just canceling them.  We have good free TV reception (can even buy an HDTV antenna and a TIVO machine and life won't be half bad).  Then I'll see if the phone company's DSL is any good.