Saturday, April 21, 2007

More Mac and Youtube Disabled

The Mac switch is going fine. It does not always "just work" as they say. I was just learning to use garageband to make a podcast, went to the help file and it froze up. Then the "force quit" feature wouldn't force the application to quit. I had to restart.

That was a minor annoyance compared to my primary Youtube account being disabled. One too many copyright violations, I guess. No notice, even after the fact. And now all the videos are gone. So just as with Napster (years ago), it is off to find an alternative. Leading contender is dailymotion, although I'd love to hear other suggestions.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Mac Switch

Well, the old PC went kaput one more time. So becasue I won't be able to fix it myself during the next several months, I decided we should become a Mac family. Got a low end Mac Mini really just for web surfing, email, music, etc. That's all everybody needs (other than me), and this should appease them and hopefully "just work" for the next several months.

Having some probably normal adjustment issues, but everything is working very well. One highlight was plugging in my printer and then printing 20 seconds later without having done anything to set it up. On the old system, I kept getting printer driver errors every time I restarted (even though I had the driver disks and had reinstalled everything). Another highlight was uninstalling a program that I had downloaded but decided not to use. All I had to do was delete it. No restarting, no registry changes. And I didn't feel like I had gunked up my system (on the old system, I was very reluctant to install anything because it would just mean that I'd have to reformat sooner).

I was not able to function without a right clck on the mouse, but was able to configure the mac mighty mouse to have a right click anyway. The process for installing programs was a little bit different as well, but is not a big deal once you know what you are doing. Just a different way.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Liquor and Guns

I really can't stand Conan O'Brien, but this segment with Hunter S. Thompson is cool despite him.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Lifestyle Choices

Seeing a family with about five children today, I finally understood how Christian conservatives feel when they witness the homosexual lifestyle choice. I disapproved and was offended.