Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Road Trip

Off on another great American road trip. Will take the side roads and take it slow, at least for one direction. Armed with the ipod and car adaptor. The intent is to avoid all Taco Bells and other chain establishments. Eat breakfast at the Say You Say Me Cafe -- if it still exists. While stuff like that still exists.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

99 degrees today. Wish I were here instead. Posted by Hello

Monday, May 09, 2005

Iran is Next

Watched (and recorded for the record) a propaganda hour on Foxnews tonight about Iran. Essentially, it was a bunch of fat men sitting around telling us what a grave danger Iran is (as if they think we'd forget about the Iraq lies this quickly). Then those same fat men discussed our military options. Planting the seed, just like they did with Iraq.