Friday, November 07, 2008

Rush and Sean and the Rest

I spend a lot of time listening to talk radio. Most of what is available is the Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity sort of stuff. During this last election season, much of the Republican message was generated by talk radio. Whether it was Ayers, ACORN, socialism, or Barack Obama wanting to bankrupt the coal industry, I always heard about it first on talk radio. Talk radio is the most influential conservative think tank and the primary Repub election strategist.

On the one hand, I suppose, that is a compliment to talk radio. On the other hand, I wonder if the Repub's reliance on talk radio as a source of new ideas is really hurting them. Certainly, there are intelligent, thoughtful conservatives such as David Brooks or George Will. Ronald Reagan and the conservatives ruled the 1980s on the strength of their ideas. They won in 1994 based on ideas -- the old Contract with America. But talk radio deals in broad generalizations concerning their own ideas, and mostly caricature or outright distortions of their opponents. Mostly, they attack liberals or any Repub. who is not like them (i.e., Rush today said "good riddance" at the loss of Repub. Chris Shays). They work themselves into a frenzy, and they begin to remind most Americans of their crazy old uncle who used to think that the government controlled the weather and who kept gold coins in his basement. Don't you think that is exactly how John McCain looked when he tried to compare Barack Obama to a socialist?

Republicans who are now searching their souls should search for leadership who will return them to ideas. And Sarah Palin probably does not fit that bill.

1 comment:

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

A good place for true CONSERVATIVES (note; I didn't say Republicans) to start would be at your local library, bookstore or

And get a copy of "Invasion of the Party Snatchers; How the Holy-Rollers and the NeoCons Destroyed the GOP" by Victor Gold.

Gold was a deputy press secretary for Barry Goldwater and ...drumroll... a former advisor and speechwriter for George H.W. Bush.

In a nutshell, Gold says that the Republican Party as he knew it is dead. In its place is a party run by the Ralph Reeds and "TheoCons" who's main goals involve family values issues, and by NeoCons who believe in a new form of Manifest Destiny, ie, to remake the rest of the world in the image of the United States. Its mouthpieces are those involved in the "Coulterization" of the debate; just shout the opposition down, never mind how irresponsible your argument is.

My favorite quote is one attributed to Barry Goldwater- "Every good Christian should give Jerry Falwell a swift kick in the ass".

In the interest of fair disclosure, I am a Democrat and an Obama supporter.

This is a great book, and should be read by anyone with an interest in politics.

But above all....this book should be REQUIRED reading by anyone who calls himself a Republican.