Monday, November 01, 2004

John Kerry for President

Unwilted is endorsing John Kerry this year. There are thousands of reasons NOT to vote for President Bush. Instead, I just wanted to briefly discuss a few reasons to vote FOR Senator Kerry:

1. His environmental record is nearly without flaw. This issue has been overshadowed during the campaign, but the contrast between the two could not be more dramatic.

2. He had the guts to both fight in Vietnam and then oppose the war when he got back. I'm proud of him for both.

3. Integrity. The worst thing the Bush campaign has been able to dig up on him is that maybe the wounds he recieved in Vietnam really were not that bad! They have not been able to find ANY skeletons in his closet.

4. He's a thinker with a sense of history.

5. He skiis, windsurfs, and mountain bikes. And unlike the President, he drinks beer! He's more like me than President Bush (if that matters).

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