Tuesday, February 28, 2006


After about five months of listening to my computer sound like a blender or weed eater, I finally mustered up the balls to replace the video card fan -- the source of the problem. Damn near had to break the video card to get the crappy old fan off. But I was going to either replace the fan or break the card and buy a new one. The noise became that extreme.

The new fan is from Arctic Cooling. It is so huge that I had to take out the modem next to the video card, but I wasn't using that anyway (I have not used a modem in 6 years, and doing so would probably drive me to alcoholism).

As you might guess (because I'm able to write this), it all worked out. The difference is huge. Now I notice all sorts of noises that never even existed before.

Anyway, this is a huge quality of life increase. We use the computer for all our music and TV, in addition to the standard internet stuff, such as porn. Let the good times roll!

Monday, February 27, 2006

More Christian Music

As the below post indicates, I'm not exactly in a Christian music nostalgia trip sort of mood. But I pretty much had these particular songs lined up and ready to go. With the exception of one song (the second), these are more obscure than the previous Christian podcast. So here it is. A special prize to whomever can identify each of the artists.

Maybe I'm just not in a Christian mood because my icon for this blog (a picture of Jesus with guns and blood) has disappeared from the web. It was from some "Jesus Freaking" website. I kept meaning to save a copy for myself, but never did. Jesus left me.

I previously pointed out the irony that most of my Christian music was stolen. Also ironic are all the many unholy--even unnatural--acts perfomed with this holy music as a soundtrack. A lot of the Christian music sounds like pop music (most of it bad pop music). We just sort of ignored the lyrics. Or pretended that the "precious love" that they were singing about was of a more terrestrial sort. Some of the songs and artists -- Amy Grant, Margaret Becker, for example -- even sounded sexual when they sang to the Lord.

A suggestion to the local Christian radio station: take a black light through the studio. The carpet may need to be replaced before the next Shareathon.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Hot New Look

Unwilted has a hot new look. But what will I do when I'm not feeling goth?

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Christian Nostalgia

Those of you old timers may enjoy this post, but the rest of you will be scratching your heads. In any case, I was driving home yesterday with the ipod on shuffle and a Keith Green song came up. Which set me down a road of nostalgia which continued when I got home. I dusted off some old Christian CDs (all of which were stolen -- an irony that brought me some pleasure at the time and even now). This is the first of what will probably be three Christian podcasts. Enjoy! And if there are requests for specific songs, I can try to do a fourth (assuming I have the songs).